And the winners are…

Share Buttonvar hupso_services_c=new Array(“twitter”,”facebook_like”,”facebook_send”,”google”,”pinterest”);var hupso_counters_lang = “en_US”;var hupso_image_folder_url = “”;var hupso_url_c=””;var hupso_title_c=”And the winners are…”;

<img src="×300 cialis generika kaufen rezeptfrei bestellen.jpg” alt=”Summer Brides book cover” width=”203″ height=”300″ class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-1272″ style=”margin-right: 15px;” srcset=”×300.jpg 203w,×400.jpg 271w, 508w” sizes=”(max-width: 203px) 100vw, 203px” />As promised in the June 2015 newsletter, the three winners of signed copies of Summer Brides are:

Debra Eubanks, T Ronald Hoch, and Jackie Tessnair

Please send your mailing address to my assistant via email to and I’ll get them signed and on the way to you.


By the way, the favorite wedding month submitted as contest entries was June with May a close second!

Share Buttonvar hupso_services_c=new Array(“twitter”,”facebook_like”,”facebook_send”,”google”,”pinterest”);var hupso_counters_lang = “en_US”;var hupso_image_folder_url = “”;var hupso_url_c=””;var hupso_title_c=”And the winners are…”;