About Beth

Beth Wiseman is the best-selling author of the Daughters of the Promise series, the Land of Canaan series, the Amish Secrets series and the Amish Journeys series. Having sold over three million books, her novels have held spots on the Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller List, the ECPA (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association) Bestseller List and the CBA (Christian Book Association) Bestseller List. She was the recipient of the prestigious Carol Award in 2011 and 2013. She is a three-time winner of the Inspirational Readers Choice Award, and an INSPY Award winner. In 2013 she took home the coveted Holt Medallion. Her first book in the Land of Canaan series—Seek Me With All Your Heart—was selected as the 2011 Women of Faith Book of the Year. Beth and her husband are empty nesters enjoying country life in Texas.
Can you please tell me the order to read your Amish books?
While all of my books can be read as stand-alones, I think it’s much more fun to read them in order. I have two series—Daughters of the Promise and Land of Canaan, in which some of the characters cross over, so here is the order I recommend:
- Plain Perfect (Daughters of the Promise)
- Plain Pursuit (Daughters of the Promise)
- Plain Promise (Daughters of the Promise)
- Plain Paradise (Daughters of the Promise)
- Seek Me With All Your Heart (Land of Canaan)
- Plain Proposal (Daughters of the Promise)
- The Wonder of Your Love (Land of Canaan)
- His Love Endures Forever (Land of Canaan)
- Plain Peace (Daughters of the Promise)
Since those first two series, I have written several more Amish series:
The Amish Secrets series:
Her Brother’s Keeper , Love Bears All Things, and Home All Along in that order.
The Amish Journeys series:
Hearts in Harmony, Listening to Love, and A Beautiful Arrangement in that order.
The Amish Inn series:
A Picture of Love, An Unlikely Match, and A Season of Change in that order
The Amish Bookstore series:
The Bookseller’s Promise, The Story of Love, and Hopefully Ever After.
Click on any of the book titles and it will take you to a new page with more information about each book and links to purchase.
Why do you write Amish fiction?
Are you Amish and/or how do you know so much about the Amish?
I am not Amish, but I have Amish connections and friends in Pennsylvania and Colorado who read the manuscripts prior to publication to make sure the books are inline with the Old Order Amish ways.
Why did you start writing contemporary fiction?
Now that you have written a contemporary novel that isn’t Amish, will you continue to also write about the Plain People?
Yes, the plan is to alternate between Amish novels and contemporary stories.
Who is your favorite character out of all your books?
All of my characters are like my family, but if I had to choose…it would be Grandpa Jonas. I love him. He has many of the same wonderful qualities that my father had.
How do you come up with characters for your stories?
What advice do you have for inspiring writers?
Can you read my manuscript and/or help me to get published?
Where can I get your books?
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