
Giveaway Results!!!

I offered 5 Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) of An Amish Heirloom  in the April newsletter to five lucky readers that could answer a trivia question. See below for the answer and the five winners that were selected today.  An Amish Heirloom releases on April 10, 2018....

Coming soon: An Amish Year

My four-novella collection, An Amish Year, releases December 15, 2015. Put it on your Christmas list or pre-order now for December delivery!

Love bears all things

<img src="http://static.hupso cialis generika" style="border:0px; padding-top:2px; float:left;" alt="Share Button"/>var hupso_services_c=new Array("twitter","facebook_like","facebook_send","google","pinterest");var...

Amish Secrets series news

var hupso_services_c=new Array("twitter","facebook_like","facebook_send","google","pinterest");var hupso_counters_lang = "en_US";var hupso_image_folder_url = "";var hupso_url_c="";var hupso_title_c="Amish Secrets series news";<script...

How Irma Rose and Jonas fell in love

var hupso_services_c=new Array("twitter","facebook_like","facebook_send","google","pinterest");var hupso_counters_lang = "en_US";var hupso_image_folder_url = "";var hupso_url_c="";var hupso_title_c="How Irma Rose and Jonas fell in love"; Over the years, I have...

God’s grace is what saves us

Ephesians 2:8 says, "God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God." (NLT) So, to extrapolate on that verse, we are saved by God's grace—not by our own deeds. In the same way that our good works don't...

Her Brother’s Keeper is coming July 7

Beth has begun a new series called Amish Secrets. The first novel, Her Brother's Keeper, is coming July 7, but you can pre-order your copy below! [mybooktable...