Q&A from Beth’s Facebook Chat


You may have tuned in to one of my three live Facebook Chats in September. Let me tell you, I was so nervous during that first one. Trying to show the books, remain in frame, and read and respond to all the comments is not easy.

Since I didn’t get a chance to answer the many questions that were asked during my live Facebook chats, I thought it might be fun to answer some here.

Do you have Amish friends? How often do you interact with them and where are they?

I’ve been fortunate to have lots of Amish friends who have helped me on this amazing journey. My first contacts were in Lancaster County, which is the setting for The Daughters of the Promise series. From there, I was introduced to two Amish families in Colorado, which is where The Land of Canaan series takes place. I’m starting a new series soon that will take readers to Indiana, and I already have several contacts there.

Did you have any damage from the storm?

We were blessed when Hurricane Harvey came ashore. We never lost power despite the ferocious winds and heavy rain. And we stayed high and dry. A big tree fell across our yard, but it didn’t hit our house. It was a frightening experience, though. My mom, sister, and many friends live in Houston, which is where I grew up, so I stayed worried throughout the entire ordeal. Some friends lost a lot of material possessions, but those can be replaced. I’m happy to report that my family and friends stayed safe!

Did you get on the treadmill this week?

Not nearly as much as I should have, lol.

What about doing a series set in the Amish community in Florida?

I think that’s a great idea!

Do Amish read your books?

Yes, I’ve been told by several of the Amish women that they read my books.

Will there be a fourth book?

As of now, no. But never say never since The Daughters of the Promise series was slated to be a three-book series, and there ended up being six novels.

Are you a fan of my Facebook page yet? Like my page at https://www.facebook.com/AuthorBethWiseman/ to ask your own questions in my next live stream! 🙂